
5 December 5, 2009

ATOMIC Kids dance in Parade

By |2010-01-24T00:22:15-08:00December 5th, 2009|Swing Dancing, General|0 Comments

Young Lindy Hoppers Luc and Kimmery dance in a parade for Watersafe Swim School See the video by clicking here ATOMIC Ballroom lindy hoppers Luc (age 14) and Kimmery (Age 12) danced in a parade in Seal Beach, CA last night. The parade was hosted by the city of Seal Beach. Ginny Ferguson, another ATOMIC Ballroom swing and salsa dancer, organized Luc and Kimmery to bring attention to her Watersafe swim school based in Fountain Valley, CA. This was the 22nd time that Watersafe Swim School has marched in that parade. Ginny is the founder of NOVA and is the creator of the widely used Smart Fish Method. Dancers Luc, Kimmery, and Ginny are all students of Shesha Marvin, a professional swing dance teacher and president of the OC Swing Dance Club and owner of ATOMIC Ballroom. As a side note, Ginny is the personal swim teacher of Shesha and Nikki's baby girl, Anjali. So, if you see the Kids or Ginny out dancing be sure to throw a high five their way.

1 December 1, 2009

Our Rockin’ New Website!

By |2023-12-06T09:29:22-08:00December 1st, 2009|General|Comments Off on Our Rockin’ New Website!

New ATOMIC Website

After much ado, I am proud to present to you the new ATOMIC Ballroom website!!! Check it out: We are really excited to have the new website up and running. It was an arduous process, tons of work and lots of long hours, but it was completely worth it. I might be a little bias, but honestly the new website is AWESOME! Building it from the ground up we were able to design it specifically for ATOMIC and its got all the bells and whistles.

17 August 17, 2009

Paying it forward…selfishly.

By |2010-01-24T00:19:59-08:00August 17th, 2009|General|0 Comments

I started my lindy hop habit a number of years ago, when after attending Atomic ballroom a couple of times with what can be best described as “functional” east coast swing abilities I decided I should learn lindy hop and signed up for some classes. I took a beginning series and started social dancing once or twice a week. After the beginning series ended I took an intermediate series and upon its conclusion the instructor approached me about a team that he ran. The team met for a couple of hours once a week to learn and practice. They performed publicly from time to time, but the point of the team was to help beginning lindy hoppers progress their dancing.

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